Tongkat Ali


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  • 0 out of 5

    Sugar Free Diabetes Control Veggie Capsules (60s)

    Sugar-Free is a multidimensional formulation that helps to regulate your glucose metabolism and blood sugar balance. Daily use will help you maintain blood sugar levels within the normal range, thereby enhancing fat burning and providing appetite control. Best used as part of healthy eating plan. This formula: 

    • Lowers blood sugar 
    • Supports pancreatic function 
    • Stimulates insulin release in the pancreas 
    • Reduces the amount of sugar absorbed by the intestines 
    • Lowers LDL cholesterol 
    • Reduces the ability to taste sweetness, may help with sugar cravings Reduced cravings for sweet foods may lead to sustainable weight loss 

    INGREDIENTS: Ceylon Cinnamon, Gymnema Sylvestre, Karela, Kaali Jeeri, Ashwagandha, Yarrow, Wild Chicory, Arjuna, Black Seed Kulunjee, Amalika, Dhamasa, Jamoon, Moringa, Neem, and Dhamasa 

    Have 2 capsules, morning and evening, with 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed olive oil.

  • 0 out of 5

    Sleep Herbal Sleeping Tablets Veggie Capsules (60s)

    Do you suffer from frequent or occasional insomnia? We all do! These herbal sleeping veggie capsules by Wellness Spot have absolutely no side-effects, does not create dependency, provides a refreshing sleep, relieves anxiety, and re-sets your biological clock so that sleep is naturally induced. Indeed, they are an excellent alternative to antidepressants and conventional sleeping pills that suppress certain neural chemicals, results in memory weakness, brain fog and dry nerves in the long term.
    INGREDIENTS: Valerian, Passion Flower, Indica Cannabis, Nutmeg, Curcumin, Magnesium (Extracted from Flax Seeds), and Saffron
    Have 2-3 capsules (depending on the severity of the insomnia) about an hour before sleeping, with a cup of warm honey milk.
    Some pumpkin seeds, pistachios, and chamomile tea can also be consumed. A magnesium soak will also be helpful – all these also promote a good sleep. In addition, switch off your electronic devices (cellphones etc) early and darken your room completely. A sprig of fresh lavender or some lavender essential oil on your pillow also greatly helps.

  • 0 out of 5

    Parasite Bomb Veggie Capsules (30s)

    (Natural Deworming Solution)

    When last have you done a natural deworm as an adult? Signs of worms or parasites in the gut include Abdominal Pains, Allergies, Infections, Lack of appetite, Mood swings, Constipation, Diarrhea or an Itchy Rectum 

    Its recommended to deworm about twice a year, or when out of season flus and sniffles start. 

    Avoid undercooked meat, food, and chicken. Worms thrive on sugar. 

    INGREDIENTS: Myrrh, Wormwood, Oive Leaf, Clove Powder, Thuja, Turmeric, Aloe Leaf Extract, Papain, Thyme, and Mugwort 

    Take two capsules, thrice a day, for five days. Hydrate well whilst doing the treatment. 

  • 0 out of 5

    Fast Blood Veggie Capsules (60s)

    An excellent tonic for those having “lazy blood” or malnourished blood. This is a must for everyone, especially the frail, pregnant and breast feeding mums. It promotes blood circulation, and provides nourishment for blood with a plethora of rare herbs. 

    Ideal for those suffering from poor blood circulation, low blood pressure, poor appetite, a weak heart, varicose veins or Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), or anyone leading a sedentary lifestyle. 

    INGREDIENTS: Dhamasa, Butcher’s Broom, Angelica, Ashwagandha, Spirulina, White Peony, Qust al-Hin, Black Seed, Moringa, Dong Quai, Ginko Biloba, Organic Turmeric, Fenugreek, Cayenne, Greater Calendine, Ceylon Cinnnamon, Astragalus, and Apricot Kernels. 

    Take one capsule, thrice daily, as part of an overall health plan. 

  • 0 out of 5

    Turmeric Veggie Capsules (60s)

    Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) is arguably the most powerful herb on the planet in fighting and potentially reversing disease. There are currently 6235 peer-reviewed published articles proving the medicinal benefits of this great herb. Turmeric is a member of the Zingiberaceae (Ginger family), and is a tropical plant. It originated in Southern India and this region continues to be the world’s largest producer of this herb.

    Turmeric has been successfully used as a pain killer as well as an anti-inflammatory. It’s also an anti-depressant and a relaxant. Cancer patients use it to induce sleep and to overcome the effect of chemotherapy. It’s an anti-coagulant, and reduces cholesterol too. Lately, it’s been also used in diabetes management (in lowering blood sugar and reversing insulin resistance). At times, people with digestive and stomach complaints become intolerant to medical interventions because the stomach flora is already compromised, so turmeric is effectively used in such instances too. 


    Turmeric is a very complex medicinal herb containing a mixture of phenolic compounds called curcumin, and a volatile oil with turmerone and zingiberene; and other monoterpenes such as starch; protein; and high amounts of vitamin A and other vitamins. The major ingredients are tumerone, zingerene, phellandrene, cineole (which stimulates the central nervous system, is an antiseptic, is an expectorant, and eliminates gas)., sabinene, borneol, and curcumin. 


    People also use turmeric to disinfect cuts and burns. When combined with cauliflower, turmeric has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer. It also prevents breast cancer from spreading to the lungs, and it may prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide. It reduces the risk of childhood leukemia, is a natural liver detoxifier, slows the progression of Alzheimer’s, helps in weight management, and has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression. 


    To achieve lasting results: 

    • Have two capsules first thing in the morning, daily, or as directed by a practitioner. 
    • Eliminate fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolates, bakery delicacies, and excess carbohydrates from your diet. 
    • Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. This is very important. 


    • Turmeric taken in high doses can result diarrhea, nausea or indigestion. Lessen the dosage or give it a break for a while. 
    • Suitable in pregnancy.
    • You should always speak with your doctor before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. 
    • Keep away from children and store in a cold, dry place. 
  • 0 out of 5

    Pure Organic Confidence Veggie Capsules (60s)


    1) BLACK COHOSH: Controls of the symptoms of hormonal imbalances, esp, depression, sleep deprivation, dryness, palpitations and night sweats. 2) RED CLOVER: Reduces symptoms of menopause and ovulation cessation, such as hot flashes and night sweats, because of its estrogen-like effects 3) Folic Acid: Boosts fertility and helps in ovulation. It also decreases the risk of birth defects. 

    4) ASHWAGANDHA: An adaptogen that reduces cortisol Levels, reduces stress and anxiety, and increase fertility 

    5) WHITE PEONY: Assists in menstrual cramps, PCOS, and unbearable PMS. 6) LICORICE ROOT: It has estrogenic effects, improves the fluidity of cervical mucus, detoxifies the liver, and curbs the excess production of prolactin and androgens associated with PCOS. 

    7) SHATARVADI: It tones and cleanses the uterus. It is also renowned as the foremost herb for the gynecological balancing of the female menstrual cycle. It cools the symptoms of inflammation during menstruation & menopause, increases fertility and reduces emotional irritability. 

    8) SANOOT (DILL): Removes excess gas and heat from the womb. 9) TURMERIC: Besides being the best anti-inflmmatory, it’s a is a mild uterine stimulant. It also reduces the effects of estrogen in some hormone-sensitive cancer cells. 

    10) FLAX SEEDS: Contains Flaxseed oil contains the following nutrients: Omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids, Lignans, B vitamins, Potassium, Fiber, Protein, and Plant estrogens that leads to healthier cell walls which are more able to fight infection. 11) WATER CRESS SEEDS: Especially beneficial for those wishing to fall pregnant, It’s the best PCOS-friendly superfood as it contains very little carbohydrates, so they don’t spike up insulin levels and safe for people with food allergies. 

    12) CHIA SEEDS: Excellent source of energy and weight-reducing agent. Tryptophan, an amino acid, can help your body produce serotonin which leads to feelings of calmness 

    13) SAW PALMETTO: Helps to prevent atrophy of uterine tissue which normally causes PCOS. It also metabolizes into dihydrotestosterone which inhibits cancers. 14) CHELATED IRON: Makes up for loss of blood due to heavy bleeding. 15) AMLA POWDER: Best source of Vit.C and regulater of menstrual cycle upon which conception and pregnancy is dependant. Also flushes out toxins. 16) MACA ROOT: Acts as a mild aphrodisiac, maintains bone density, balances the hormones and assists in the symptoms of menopause like hot flashes, sleep disruptions, night sweats, and depression. 

    17) BLACK SEED KULUNJI: This is one of the most important herbs in this formulation. Kulunji plays an important role in gynecological disorders such as

    leucorrhoea (genitals observe yellowish, whitish and thick discharge, generally due to infection). It also overcomes frequent menses, and improves stamina. Kindly add mint leaves to make it more effective. 


    The above should not be taken by pregnant women or those on diuretics. Simply take 2-3 caps with coconut oil or water every morning on an empty stomach, or it can be sprinkled in smoothies or cereals. Always consult your GP if not sure of anything. 


    In conjunction with the above formulae, eat only natural, unprocessed foods, high-fiber foods, fatty fish, including salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel, vegetables such as kale, broccoli, cauliflower spinach, and other dark, leafy greens, dark fruits such as red grapes, blueberries, blackberries, and cherries. Also, weight loss can reduce insulin and androgen levels and may restore ovulation. Limit carbohydrates and be active as exercise helps lower blood sugar levels. Do regular cupping and have Dates Vinegar (khall) daily too. 

  • 0 out of 5

    Wonder Herb Harjor Veggie Capsules (60s)

    Harjor, also known as Cissus Quadrangularis or Veldt Grape, is an ancient superherb whose amazing properties has been rediscovered. It’s proven to be absolutely amazing for two disorders in particular: 

    1) Treating female disorders such as hormonal imbalances, menopause, female libido, and menstrual issues, and 

    2) For treating bones especially *fracture, weak bones. Patients suffering from back pain, sciatica, weak knees all see amazing results in this herb*. For this reason, It’s also called the ‘Bone Setter’. 

    Harjor is generally used by gym goers, athletes and fitness fanatics, and anecdotal evidence suggests it to be a very effective *painkiller too for those who experienced joint pain due to exercise. Harjor is also used in body building supplements as an alternative to harmful steroids. 

    With such a good track record, Harjor has been successfully used in treating arthritis and osteoporosis due to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant properties* which help in regeneration of cells. It also assists in healthy bone formation in people of all age groups. This is the reason why it’s called the WONDER HERB. 

    The Wellness Spot bottle contains 80% Harjor and 20% Boswelia/Curcumin anti inflammatory for maximum combined effect. Have one in the morning, and one in the evening as a food supplement.
