Activated Charcoal Veggie Capsules (60)


Activated charcoal, esp from coconut husks, have the following benefits:

  1. Reduce Gassiness: The activated charcoal dose for alleviating gas is about 2 caps milligrams one hour prior to a typical gas-producing meal, with a full glass of water. Follow this with an additional glass of water immediately thereafter to help get the charcoal into your system, where it can bind with gas-producing elements.
  2. Toxic Overload or Overdose: Adults take 4-5 capsules at onset of diarrhea and nausea symptoms or when food poisoning is suspected. Children should be given 1 cap. Increase dosage as necessary. Remember, it’s essential that adequate water is consumed when activated charcoal is taken. In the event of poisoning, call the poison centre.

Proper dosing is imperative. According to the University of Michigan Health System, upto 50 to 100 grams (not milligrams!) is used in cases of poisoning in adults and 10 to 25 grams for children. 

  1. Digestive Cleanse: To promote an activated charcoal detox of your digestive system, take 4-5 caps 90 minutes prior to each meal, for two days. During the cleanse, eat only organic fruits and vegetables, grass-fed meat and wild fish. If during the cleanse, you experience constipation, this is a sure sign you’re not consuming enough water!
  2. Routine Toxin Removal: Take two activated charcoal capsules per day after exposure to nonorganic foods, heavy meals or after contact to other toxins. This supports better cognitive function, a reduction in brain fog, healthier kidney and liver function, and a healthier gastrointestinal tract.

Don’t take activated charcoal within 90 minutes to two hours of taking any prescription medication or supplements as it can prevent proper absorption. 

Note of Caution: Before taking advantage of the many activated charcoal uses, you must consider how it may react in your body, especially if have certain medical conditions, such as intestinal bleeding or blockages, holes in the intestines, chronic dehydration, slow digestion or a recent abdominal surgery.



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