Parasite Bomb Veggie Capsules (30s)


(Natural Deworming Solution)

When last have you done a natural deworm as an adult? Signs of worms or parasites in the gut include Abdominal Pains, Allergies, Infections, Lack of appetite, Mood swings, Constipation, Diarrhea or an Itchy Rectum 

Its recommended to deworm about twice a year, or when out of season flus and sniffles start. 

Avoid undercooked meat, food, and chicken. Worms thrive on sugar. 

INGREDIENTS: Myrrh, Wormwood, Oive Leaf, Clove Powder, Thuja, Turmeric, Aloe Leaf Extract, Papain, Thyme, and Mugwort 

Take two capsules, thrice a day, for five days. Hydrate well whilst doing the treatment. 



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